
Spread the epidemics of joy

Jun 8, 2006

Ron's hot

I'm quite pissed off right now over the whole salsa course. The lessons are fun but it was the payment that i realised after 4 weeks that was not yet paid. Seriously speaking, i want to believe that sarah did help me to pay for the course. But the thing is there isn't any record in the computer! I have no idea what's gonna happen next week espcially when i'm not around. But i trust kimyen will help me settle it. All i know is that i'm gonna enjoy my holiday and continue with lesson 6 when i get back. End of the salsa problemo. Althought i'm pissed, i'm quite relieved that today is the last day of art lesson. I have been feeling a sense of burden as these art lessons are really demanding and it refrains me from going all out during my holidays. But today's lesson ended really fast. We all had a good laugh at mrs lester. She has this super irritating attitude that everyone including our art teacher has to 'tahan' because she is damn good at the batik skills. We can't piss her off at the moment but what she doesnt't know is that we are actually laughing at her behind her back. I admit it's abit mean. But wait till you see her mean face. Haha. And maybe it's because peifang and i took our own sweet time to have breakfast at macdonals. And there we saw ron. One of woodgrove's handsome dudes. I really admire him for his guards to sit and eat alone, and partially because of his looks of course. Haha. The best thing was he came over and said he's leaving to me before he really left physically. I melted 5 secs later. Don't get me wrong girls. He is not my crush or whatsoever. He is just so hot with his braziliano praia sandles i'm sure all girls would go gaga over him when he speaks. Now, my only wish is that none of his carefree members will read this post. Haha.


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