
Spread the epidemics of joy

Apr 19, 2006


Finally! I got this picture from miss lim bin ever since last year's trip to beijing. Although i knew all along that somehow i will get this picture eventually, i didn't expect to get it only after 1 year. The process i went through before getting it was atrocious. Monstrous i would say. I had to greet her when i see her wholeheartedly with an unreserved enthusiasm, do some kind of boring old maths test and smile gracefully. Most of the time she often forgets. I reminded her like a million times till i gave up myself. If not for melvin, i wouldn't had gave a damn. But somehow i feel shiok uploading this picture. I guess it's because it has my face in it. This picture was taken on the first day we reached china. It all started off when the black guy interrupted into my picture when peifang was trying to take a photo of me and the palace. I turned around, quite pissed as he should have eyes to see that someone is posing for a photo. Therefore he should have the courtesy or rather common sense to not block. But after i turned around, i frozed. For a second i thought i was in a dream. Not that i'm a super big fan of shin lah, i'm sure normal singaporeans will get surprised when they see someone famous. Better still, i saw them in china out of nowhere in a sudden. Melvin's reaction was what i remembered most. He is a fan of theirs. He was so engrossed with them that he just hopped up in glee. Haha. Melvin, i owe you this.


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