
Spread the epidemics of joy

Feb 16, 2006

My new invention

Actually i'm pulling myself to blog this afternoon and forcing my eyes to open till it's saggy already. Due to today'a hot weather, i felt like a hot pan sizzling while walking back home because of the heat and the oil on my face and shoulder. Today's tempreture is 35 degrees and i really can't take it any longer. However, i'm excited to share about my new invention further in a more detailed way. Alot of stuff happened many years ago and it's still around now. This got me thinking. Have i done anything this year that will alter the world in a hundred years? I haven't discovered any new drugs that will cure cancer. I didn't solve the problem of world hunger. I haven't invented any new devices that will change life as we know it. But, i have invented something that will make life easier for students to search for what they want from their pencil box within a short span of time and i wonder who would want to buy my idea. Big money, big money. This simple and easy way of making life simple just need to be something long and slim that will fit into your pencil box vertically standing up. If you can't get what i mean ( which is most probaly ), you can get a rough idea of it with the help of the picture above. This way, the mouth of your pencil box will be bigger and it allows more light to enter for you to see clearly of what you are searching for. Not only that. You will also be able to stretch your hands inside with a bigger area to search. Am i good or what? Ps, this doesn't apply to those who are using metal pencil boxes. Sorry peifang. Perhaps the best contribution to the world in 2006 is me. Ok i'm talking crap.


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