
Spread the epidemics of joy

May 27, 2007

Happy 21st birthday kunquan

May 25, 2007

The equation of newspaper+fart

The fusion of newspaper and fart causes a chemical explosion that produces a perfume beyond discription. Sucks!

May 22, 2007


Metally Really Toot

May 21, 2007

Cici junior aka xiao bai

I saw cici junior for sale at $450. Male and named as xiao bai. Gosh! Wini's doggie's name, and i've always been laughing at it. Anyway, we'are gonna give it a miss till we get a female.

May 18, 2007

Truly madly deeply

I miss you! Truly! Madly! Deeply! Woof!

May 17, 2007

We hope you like it

Dear ching'yi

Happy happy happy happy birthday!

May 15, 2007

Yours truly

Dear all, sorry for the confusion over the changing of blogs in such a sudden. I'm staying faithful to joygerms, i have my reasons. Yours truly, joy!

May 14, 2007

Berry handsome

May 13, 2007

Today is chingster day

May 11, 2007

Dear mum

Happy mother's day!

May 9, 2007

I've moved

I've moved! To a better place! Leaving these beautiful memories behind.
  • May 2, 2007

    In loving memory of


    Name : cici
    Age : 12
    Time : 6.00am
    Date : may 2nd 2007
    Venue : mount pleasant animal hospital

    May 1, 2007

    Essential brew